Even before the pandemic, many people worked from home. Afterward, it became the norm for a lot more.
Research shows that 98% of workers have said they want to work from home at least part-time.
And yes, although it’s more convenient and adds flexibility, working remotely also has its own set of challenges to overcome, mostly about productivity.
Maximizing Productivity in Your Home Workspace
Creating a space to work in our home is essential to be productive and to keep a healthy work-life balance.
Let’s dive into the strategies and tips to help you set up the perfect place for you to stay motivated and organized as you go through your workday.
Designate a workspace
The most important step here is to establish what is going to be your workspace, dedicated solely to work tasks.
Ideally, it should be separated from the bedroom or the areas in which you spend most of your time, like the dining room and the kitchen.
This helps your mind as well, creating a boundary between what’s your time and your work.
You can start by choosing the right spot: a quiet area in your home where you won’t be so easily distracted.
A spare room works great, but it can also be the corner of your living room or even a semi-separate section of the bedroom.
If you can work comfortably for a few hours every day, that’s where it should be.
After you do this, you need to invest in good furniture. Office jobs require us to spend hours sitting down, and taking care of our spine is crucial.
Make sure to invest in a good quality chair, and prevent long-term health issues or injuries.
Optimize your space for work
If you’ve already selected the perfect spot for you to set up your desk, it’s time to optimise it.
The fewer distractions you have available, the better since it’s important to stay motivated and productive.
What does that mean?
Well, for starters, keeping the desk organized is a must. If we create mental noise, we hinder our productivity.
Your documents and your supplies should be organized, and you can add shelves, hidden drawers, and filing cabinets if you enjoy a good working structure.
Don’t forget to add a personal touch, since yes, the space is your office but it doesn’t have to be dull and grey. Make it inviting, cosy and inspiring if you need to.
Don’t overdo it, or you’ll spend the day looking at the paintings you’ve bought and not at the tasks you have pending.
The light is another matter to consider, as it will help you reduce eye strain and keep up your energy levels. Natural light is best, but in case it’s not available, try a nice quality desk lamp.
Create a routine
Nothing hinders productivity more than the lack of a good, solid routine. If you’re consistent with your habits, you can improve the quality and quantity of your work.
Time management skills are a must. It’s best if you set regular work hours, creating a sense of normalcy, just like commuting to the office does.
If you’re afraid of being interrupted too often, communicate with your family and friends so that they know not to bother you as you work.
While you’re at this, working from home doesn’t mean you can’t take breaks. If you don’t take them you run the risk of experiencing burnout.
So, schedule a few short breaks over your workday, rest and recharge. Take a few minutes to stretch, take a walk or look at something that isn’t your screen.
Take advantage of technology
Take advantage of technology
If you use the right tech tools, you can optimize your workflow and communicate better with your team and your colleagues.
For example, let’s tackle productivity tools. There are a ton of those in the market, and they help you stay organized, something that’s not always easy to accomplish.
Time-tracking apps are also a must if you want to monitor your work hours and get a feel of how much you’re doing every month.
The most important aspect of remote work is communication. Working remotely means virtual meetings, video calls and emails.
A lot of apps and programs were developed before and after 2020 for this aspect of our lives. Today, you have platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Slack.
Keep your superiors and your colleagues updated on what you’ve been doing, and schedule regular check-ins and virtual meetings to keep a sense of unity with the people in the company. Of course, don’t forget about cybersecurity, especially if you have access to confidential information.
Make sure to add a strong password to your Wi-Fi connection, and enable two-factor authentication for more safety. If you want to be even more protected, investing in a VPN isn’t a bad idea.
You can get a wireless VPN router and connect several devices at the same time.
To sum up
Creating a productive environment for remote workers is about finding what works for you. If you manage to stick to a routine and make good use of the tech tools available in the market, you won’t have any trouble.
Make sure to keep a healthy balance between your work and your personal life, as lines often become a little blurred over time.
Enjoy the benefits of working remotely and not having to commute by establishing regular work hours and turning off your devices as soon as you’re done. Most things can wait for the next day, and you won’t be worse for it.
Lastly, improve your security measures to avoid getting attacked by hackers, and enjoy a safe work experience from wherever you live in the world.