The Role of GPS Tracking in Enhancing Driver Accountability and Performance

Driver behavior has a significant impact on the efficiency of any fleet company. Educating them is an investment and neglecting their behavior while on the road can lead to unexpected losses at the end.
Drivers must understand that there is a strong correlation between their behavior and the company’s efficiency and overall safety, and they are responsible for it.
Any work inefficiencies, losses, and excessive vehicle emissions can reduce the company’s level of profitability. Any fleet company cannot fully rely on “education” and they must complement their investment with tools, in this case, GPS trackers that are integrated with the fleet management system.
If you are thinking of purchasing or incorporating a GPS device, whether for management, tracking or personal use, we guarantee that your experience will be more than satisfactory, but do you know what GPS or Global Positioning System means? Where did it come from? The technologies on which it is supported?

Where did the idea of ​​Global Positioning System come from?

The global positioning system or GPS is based on the technology and operations of 27 satellites that orbit the Earth and constantly emit signals to the surface, which are received and deciphered by GPS receivers or locators. GPS, as a computer technology system, was conceived and designed for the first time during the so-called Cold War, during the 1960s, exclusively for military and intelligence operations. Its creation was inspired, mostly, by the technology used by the Soviet Union during the launch of the first artificial satellite in our history, Sputnik 1 in 1957.

Old history

Many historians and experts in the area affirm that the whole idea of ​​what a GPS is arises from the devices used by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Arabs to travel in boats, mainly observing the position of some stars such as the Sun and the Star. Polar to navigate. During the 15th and 16th centuries, Portuguese and Spanish expeditions paved the way for new global positioning technologies such as the quadrant or the crossbow. Which allowed the English to invent the sextant in the 18th century, a mechanical-optical device that accurately measured the latitude of the observer.

Recent history

During the Second World War, Great Britain’s bomber planes needed a system to guide them in order to achieve the objectives set in their missions, especially during their night flights. For this reason, in the 1940s, a study began to be prepared by the British Royal Air Force for this purpose. Radar already existed at that time – a device capable of determining the distance and location of other planes in flight – which allowed three stations to be used under a triangulation system and, through the echoes driven by the planes, they determined the exact location of the planes in a given perimeter.
However, it was Sputnik that started the process for GPS to become what we know today.
This piece of Soviet technology motivated the United States to create the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), to regain leadership in space technology and launch its own satellites. These artificial satellites broadcast signals to a central base to determine and fix their position and orbit. Which led someone unknown to think about what would happen if said process were used in reverse, that is, determining the position of a device on the surface from satellite signals, thus initiating navigation studies and projects.
GPS was used for the first time—as we know it today—during combat in the Gulf War to stop the invasion of Iraqi troops in Kuwait, where the effectiveness of said system was tested for the tactical and logistical use of military units based in satellite technology.
Nowadays, GPS systems are often integrated into fleet security systems. Here is how an integrated GPS tracking system can streamline and improve the security of a fleet company’s resources:

GPS tracking system improves security

The integration of GPS technology in the fleet management system increases the safety of the fleet and the people in it against risks on the road. It enhances safety with constant monitoring of fleet activities and anticipates if any emergencies occur. Thus drivers can work with more peace of mind as they feel they are always being watched and supported. The best tracker available in the USA can improve driver safety from the first time it is installed.

Supports a better driving culture

Driver behavior during a trip clearly determines safety and fuel consumption. There is a significant impact on the environment due to driver behavior and although some studies show different results, there is a “consensus” that driver behavior is closely related to emissions from fuel combustion. A better driving culture contributes to lower negative environmental impacts and a reduction in risks to the fleet and its people. Not only that, but a better driving culture also improves fleet longevity by reducing the risk of premature wear of many vehicle components.

Better analysis of fleet operations

GPS monitoring and tracking technology gives any fleet manager the tools to better analyze the performance of his fleet. That includes many aspects such as fuel consumption, vehicle activity, route selection that affects total mileage, total time stopped with the engine running, and many more. Thus the fleet manager can find out the inefficient sectors and fix them quickly. Note that these sectors are heavily influenced by driver behavior.

Theft prevention

Of course, this is the main function of a GPS tracking system. Fleet theft is rare but once it happens it can cause huge losses. With a mini GPS tracker in a hidden place in the vehicle, theft becomes much more difficult and if it does happen, there is plenty of time available for the fleet team to track the vehicle and act quickly. Some trackers are even equipped with the ability to shut down the vehicle when it is suspected of being taken away. Basically, the chances of theft of a vehicle that has been equipped with a GPS protection system have been reduced to such an extent that it is close to “impossible”.
It is undeniable that GPS tracking systems are a game changer for efficiency, work improvement, reduction of negative environmental impact, and risk prevention in any fleet company.

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